Friday, July 15, 2011

Weekly catch up

I was flying solo this week with Alex and each day had some event from appointments to work to tutoring.

Time for my listed catch up!

  • Alex had a dentist appointment this week, NO CAVITIES! Yippy! His last 3 2nd molars are so close to coming out. they look like bottle caps sitting on his new molars on the Xray. And how cool are Xrays?!
  • With the drought we are under this year all manner of critters have been coming out in search of water. I saw a BIG mouse the other night ( not a rat) so I laid glue traps all around some dog kibble and what do you know, I apparently catch a cat because one of the traps had a picture perfect paw print surrounded by fur on it. LOL, poor kitty. I caught the one thing that could HELP me get rid of the mice. Saw mice again last night, little bastards.
  • Casey is home early tonight, not airport late night runs for this business trip because he is driving home from Dallas, YAY! Double YAY because he hit up the Lego store while there. We have been building a stock pile of Christmas gifts for Alex since the beginning of the year.
  • Prissie the Pug has settled into a routine in the house. Only one tussle with Archie over a chewy that she demanded. She learned really quickly that fights like that land her in her crate for an hour.
  • I started my garden up again last month, this time I am embarking on Sister Companion planting. Everything has sprouted, but I lost two corn stalks to either wind or a nibbly mouse. I will need to replant those so my beans have something to climb on. So excited for the late season squash, the pumpkins, the corn, and green beans. YAY!
  • Alex tutoring is chugging along, I think he has a love hate relationship with the homework. It is AMAZING what he doesn't know, two weeks ago if you had asked him to identify a verb/noun/predicate/adverb he wouldn't have been able too. And this is coming from an A Language Arts student. The curriculum for this first year of private school is going to be a dozy. But we can do it together.
  • Okay time to finish up some chores before an afternoon appointment and Casey's homecoming! Pictures next week!


Lisa 2:14 AM  

Everything here is cool, but the noun/verb/etc thing makes me a sad panda!!!!!!!!! AR!

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