Up to Speed
My virtual life sure slowed down, I dropped off every social instrument and focused on my day to day. It was great, refocusing, soothing, eye opening. I highly recommend it. But over the last week I have felt myself increasing my speed, getting back to where I was minus all the Facebook distractions. I actually want to write here again and have a mental list of posts and memory features.
My organizer has been neglected, so I brought it all up to speed, added event after event, bills, menu plans, and Alex events through the end of the school year. I have been toting it along with me everywhere again, it's my brain while my mind is busy with other thoughts.
We are finishing up Alex's stint in public school with fun events like the 5th grade EconMall, where he is making pet rocks to sell. Class parties are all ready being planned and the final state test will be on Thursday. We keep hearing nightmare stories of school district budget cuts. While I feel for our friends that are going through this issue, I am so so so glad that we made the early decision to put Alex in private school through 8th grade. We are all relaxed, excited about the change, and ready for what this new experience will bring.
Let's finish up with a small list of my current loves:
- Foo Fighters! We watched a bi optic about them a couple weeks ago and now I can't stop myself from singing their songs, especially All My Life. Fabulously cathartic!
- Fiction, I have pealed through four hefty books during my absence, and now have a big stack waiting in my office and more to pick up from the Library.
- Buddy's new haircut, he looks like a little lamb to me. So much that I am always picking him up for a snuggle just to feel his soft short fur on my hands. Like silk!
- The pool, we have been swimming for the last two weeks, the weather is THAT hot all ready. I don't think it has been this hot this early since we have lived here. Whew, we need rain.
- Fresca, the Peach Citrus, I feel like an old lady buying it, but I just LOVE the taste. Yummers!
- Feeling like I am back in the saddle, but not the same me, a new and improved me!
I love this, I love you.....and I love this gorgeous handsome pic of Alex.
Well, I hope you share as awesomely as the new you. I think a hiatus from our routines (especially those technologically based) is soooooo good for the soul. It's good to have you back, even if it's less - its' all less to me as I'm new and want more Nicole in my life. True Story. :)
Gosh, I hope that made sense... :/
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