Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winter Blues make me think of Green

Winter has set it's slender cold fingers around our house. The weather is dark and moody, cold and damp. Nature is sleeping, dreaming of warmer days which will come all too soon. But I am a step ahead.

 The grey and charcoal and deep blues make me daydream of greens and reds and rich blacks. I contemplate seeds and tools, planning for abundance, hording these ideas in my mind. The chill hardy lettuce is tempting me outside. It's huge and lush and tauntingly fresh on these cold cold days.
 I ignore it's teases and flirts, knowing that winter is it's only time to shine in Texas heat. So I have been spending my Winter Days plotting out future meals in the rich soil. Thumbing through seed catalogs, scrolling through sites, and calculating needs for wood and soil and space. Happily, these thoughts are warming even when the winds outside are chilly.


Sarah 7:33 PM  

You kill me! I love your writing!

Nicole 10:05 AM  


Oh, I love this post. It reminds me a lot of myself and I think that's why we liked each other right off! :)

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