Sunday, August 22, 2010

To you, our Alex man...

Dear Alex:

Tomorrow brings your 5th grade school year. The last year you will have in elementary, one year left of recess and afternoon snack time. A single year left before all the true pre-teen emotions and attitudes come storming out of you. We are all looking forward to this year because you have a fabulous teacher and fabulous classmates (none of the jerks from last year), so we are all excited and hopefully and READY for a great year.

You picked out a week of clothes today and hung them all in a row in your closet. You picked out a week of lunches and bagged them in the pantry. You reviewed your chores and the family calendar for the week. You are prepared.

Above all you have calmed my nervous Mother's heart. Not once have you shown any worry that this year would be a repeat of the last. Not once have you complained about losing summer days and gaining an early alarm. You have been excited since the first day of August, counting down the 23 days till you finally got to drive down the street to your school. You have been the reason why I haven't worried, simply because you are not worried. Thank you for being the best Mommy Prosac ever. :)

Alex, as we always tell you, you are our heart in two separate bodies. We are so proud of you and who you are, more so as you grow into a fabulous young man who is responsible, caring, funny, and has a passion for life.

We love you Alex man, you make us proud every day, I can't tell you that enough!


Mom & Dad


Lisa 11:20 PM  

siiiiiigh. It's so cool to read those words of love. Anyone who ever says that "I don't have to say it, s/he knows I love her/him" hasn't been on the receiving end. I was always lucky enough to know, but to have this deeper explanation and proof of parents' love would be amazing.

<3 I'm so happy for his new start, and his resilient, driven attitude.

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