Thursday, July 29, 2010

Picket fences are not comfortable.

Summer session is officially over! Something small to celebrate for sure. Fall is right around the corner, 25 days to be exact. BUT my Fall is not solid yet. Yes I have registered for classes (5 to be crazy), and even made the first installment payment today. BUT there is a great business opportunity is very very possible, and very very time consuming. So consuming that I would have to drop all my face to face classes and try to switch as many as I could to Web classes. Because this opportunity would be 5 days a week, all day, for all most the entire Fall semester.

I know what I will do all ready, but this waiting, this limbo sucks! If the contract is approved and I am selected then I will take the job and switch as many classes to web as I can. If not, then I will just stick to my current Fall plan which is school on M-W, and work the other three days. I am only whining about this because I bought Alex's school supplies today, and I didn't know whether or not I needed to buy supplies for myself too.Truly, a tiny petty detail, but it made me whisper a prayer that the powers that be would hurry up and make up their minds.

Cause I am impatient damn it. :)


Sarah 6:04 PM  

I am sure you'll do the right thing for you and the fam.

You know what's more uncomfortable than picket fences? Getting hit by a car!! Ba-dum-dum. I'm here 'til Tuesday.

KimberlyKB214 10:08 AM  

Not petty at all. Life in limbo sucks. Here's hoping all works out for you. :)

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