Monday, April 12, 2010

My Mental Scramble over School

I need to go with Bullets on this one, my brain is a bit scrambled right now what with term papers, finals, planning Summer School and Fall Session (registering for both tomorrow!), AND figuring out a summer camp situation for Alex.

  • All classes are A's right now. I could literally not show up for the rest of the semester and get A's. That feels good.
  • Trying to decide how many summer classes I want to take? Monday/Wednesday are the days I take in person classes, have two listed so far. BUT I really want to pile on two easy Web classes, State Government and Personal Fitness ( a state requirement). I love having an online class right now, so I know I could fit these into my days. And it would possibly shorten my time at community by a semester before UTSA transfer.
  • Looking at the possibility of Alex going to college with me for two weeks in kids programs! Very cool!
  • Planned out the rest of my time here at community college before I transfer to UTSA. I could possibly transfer by Fall 2011 if I kick my ass with classes. Hmmmm...
  • Didn't realize how many of my classes were going to be math-ish. Guess it makes sense for a business degree. LOL.
  • Also working on real business stuff, we are taking our business in a new direction, which is lots more work, both teaching and paper. Whew! I am going to be crazy.
  • Super excited to have the month of May off from school! Sooooo glad to have a mental break coming up soon. Yay!
  • I have even been looking into a double major. I know it's crazy, but it gets me all excited. :)
  • Thinks it is sad that my only creative class for a semester is Speech. It's what I do all day for a living, so I foresee lots of Mini Excel classes in my college future.
  • Planning on KLEPing out of a class this Fall, Computer Basics (REALLY?!). So happy about that.
  • School rocks my socks.


Lisa 12:23 AM  

Big smile on this post. I feel like you are really doing something you love and need!

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