Sunday, February 28, 2010

February goal Recap

February was a quick one! The end of the month took me by surprise today, but I am so glad that we are now into March because I am ready for Spring Break and that puts us closer to the end of the semester. Yay!

Overall my month was really good. I love this goal lists because I can see where I need to focus more, like FITNESS, and where I am really excelling, like SCHOOL. :)

Keep Hot Spots clear (This one could have been mastered except for the table by the front door, that place is such a dumping ground.)
Do a 15 minute pickup once a day (I was surprised to notice that I do this all ready but in 5 minute snatches through out the evening. So I am counting this one as met!)

Food A total success! We ate really well from the pantry and supplemented with grocery deals. I also got smart and packed a snack every night before school.
Eat from pantry and fridge/freezer.
Take snacks to school, no buying of food at school!

Start seeds (Success a post on this soon.)
Order/buy seeds I want, $20 budget ( No seeds but i did pick up a couple seed pellets and Jiffy pots, and only spent $10, yippy!)

Work out on the Wii or Shred on NON school days

One true date night with Casey (We didn't go out, but we did have one night solo at home, which was a fun movie night)
One Mommy Alex Day :)

Maintain my A average (YEAH!!)
Keep working ahead. (Geeking out)


Lisa 10:39 PM  

Look at all that green! You go, girl! That must feel goood!

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