Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Return to School

My book load for five classes, and that is with one that I don't have yet.

I went back to school yesterday and let me tell you, it was awesome. I woke early, got Alex all set up for the day, ate breakfast with him, and then we bundled up in the car to wait for his bus because it was 22 degrees out! Brr... once he was officially on his way to school, I headed to my school. I went early because I really wanted to make sure I didn't have a hard time finding a parking spot. That is really one of the only reasons I picked an 8am class. Just as I expected the parking lot was perfect and I found a great spot simply because there were not many people there yet. I bundled myself up in my jacket and made the trek to find my first class. The one thought that really stuck out in my head was how damn cold it was outside. Gloves are a must for tomorrow. After some trial and error I found my first class. I have a cool Math partner, who is a little bit older then the rest of the young crowd, yay for that! He also walked me to my next building because he was going there too. Along the way he showed me some cool places like the library cyber cafe and the least busy coffee shop. :) Study adn caffiene go hand in hand right?

The rest of the day went by fine, have some great professors and some really young people in class. While waiting for class to start I totally felt like I was standing in a high school hallway, some of these kids dress so ridiculously, but that is what self expression is all about. I never once felt uncomfortable about my age, if anything I think it helped for my Professors to remember me, which I want, because I am going to rock this semester.

I came home and was famished, I ate a huge brisket sandwich while telling Casey all about my day. I started on homework right away, even studying ahead because who knows what the rest of this week will bring and I am honestly shooting for great grades!

I am excited for school tomorrow, I know that we will get into the curriculum more and start going over assignments. I am also going to hit up the Math lab for the first time, I have to log 10 hours there this semester and as my Math buddy says, doing your home there is the best way to do that.

My online class is going great as well, I have in fact all ready gotten Kudos from my professor and have turned in all my homework. :) It will be interesting interacting with my classmates only through a discussion board, but all ready they seem more my age and living the same kind of life style, that of a working parent.

Tomorrow I want to put up some school goals, expand on what I posted at the beginning of the month, semester goals. So excited to be back!


Lisa 1:19 AM  

oooooh I LOVE the start of school. I miss college and the peer interaction already! So excited for you!

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