Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More from Mexico

This tile is one of the many goodies we brought home from Cancun. At our resort, there were artisans each night plying their trade, and most of them where cheesy. But one night there was this guy who painted these tiles with his fingertips in less then 10 minutes each. So we stood there and watched him for a few minutes, and then I came back later with friends, and then I watched him make four tiles for friends, and then I got really specific and detailed with my tile idea and watched him make ours. I was adamant about there being no signs of civilization through the arch. He kept asking if I wanted a boat or a house somewhere, and I kept saying no. Casey was back at the room, with a bout of the sickies so he didn't get to see this till we got home, 5 days later. We love it, and it stays on our mantel where we both comment every now and again how pretty it is.

While I was down on the ground catching the sunlight to get the tile picture, I noticed the dog craziness going on outside. The mornings around here usually include a mad game of chase the Archie by the girls. Betty, being herself is usually just wandering around looking for just the right spot to do her thing. I was able to catch her wandering back up on the deck, where she could smell me, but she couldn't see me, and was more than confused. See she didn't even notice that she is sporting some grass on her nose. Sweet girl.

Then this booger bum rushes the door and I notice all the dark rich looking soil on him. Which means this fluff ball and the three big girls have been chasing through my garden, which I just spent an hour turning over the soil. Good thing I hadn't planted seeds yet or they would most likely be gone. Silly dogs. Archie even has dirt in his teeth. The nerve of puppy play!


heather 9:30 AM  

What a gorgeous tile! Sine jealousy in unChristian, I won't say I'm jealous of your trip, but... :)

I'm so glad to hear that you're happy about exercise, sometimes it just takes a quick mindset turnaround to get back in the saddle (of the spin bike, ha)! Have a great day. :)

heather 9:31 AM  

Forgive the typos, sigh. I should've read BEFORE publishing, but the littlest one is being a squirmy worm in my lap!

Anonymous 4:00 PM  


Your Dogs is Crazy!!!!!

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