Monday, October 04, 2010

1 hour is all it took

I spent a single hour this afternoon cleaning house with Alex. One hour to put away all the random bits that get left out, to clean the kitchen, sweep the floors, put away some leftovers from Casey's weekend packing, piles of random papers that were downstairs, sort laundry, start towel laundry, clear the deck.

One hour, done before I made dinner for Alex and my mom. With leftovers for me after class.

One hour, done after I finished all my homework that was due tonight.

One hour, so when I returned home from class our house was clean and the dishwasher was ready to be emptied and the dryer was done with the towels and I could start on the clothes.

One hour made my night blissful.


Lisa 1:55 AM  

Thanks for reminding me to start the dishwasher! Love it when a plan works out!

sunny 8:43 AM  

What a great, clean place to come home to!

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