Saturday, September 15, 2007

Carpet, glorious clean carpet

This is a sight that has been absent from my eyes for about a year and a half, this expanse of carpet being CLEARED!! I have had a mountain of boxes, bags, and stuff piled in front of my paper racks forever. yesterday, my friend Sharon was over and she casually said that her friend would love to take it all off my hands, she even loaded it into her car, and (most importantly) TOOK IT ALL AWAY!! Every time I come into my space I get a stupid giddy feeling, its CLEANED and CLEAR and I can actually see what I have. Perfect!

I am now finishing up our evening with the menfolk playing a final game of Halo for the weekend, and me snug in my clean space with a cup of suiss and my next pillow design ready to be knotted. Perfect again...


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