Tuesday, July 24, 2007

July Listed

  • More and more rain is here and on its way. We are so completely saturated that the creeks and rivers are filling up within an hour of the first drop. It is a bittersweet blessing, good because our aquifer fills up, we don't have to water the lawns, and rain is just great. But it is also causing major flooding, a neighborhood about 20 miles from us flooded today, a friends pastor was killed by lightening while hiking with his sons today, the creek behind us has been raging for about 2 days now and is only 10 feet from its max point (which means being super close to cresting into our yard). I have become a full fledge weather junkie.
  • Alex is ready to go for school, even though it is a month away. Few things are as satisfying as new school supplies and a size larger clothes. We are all so excited!
  • I have started planning out my cub scouts Wolf year, so fun! It is great this time because they are a bit more mature, are solo on their accomplishments instead of doing everything as a parent team, and my den size has reduced to 6! So excited for this upcoming year.
  • Alex started a new session of swimming, he is doing so great. He can do floats, glides, and is perfecting his backstroke right now. We love the program he is in, and he says he wants to continue for a while, which is fine by us. ;)
  • I have been super cleaning and purging, in fact I made one big trip to the donation station today. Tomorrow will have another one. I am tackling each room from top to bottom. I usually get distracted taking things to the places they belong and before you know it I am knee deep in another organization mess. This technique is working great! I am amazed at how much stuff we stash, gosh it mind boggling.
  • Every morning when my friend and I walk/run (yes we are graduating to running!) we have to dodge thousands of mini frogs. These little guys are smaller then my pinkie nail, so cute and so small!
  • Domesticity has been on my mind lately. Everything from cleaning, to organizing, to paint, and wall art. As I have been moving from room to room, I am noticing all the little things to touch up, to replace, and to make lovely. Speaking of Making it Lovely, this site has been such an inspiration. Love her finds!
  • I have been having a hard time falling asleep lately, my mind just doesn't settle and I toss and turn for a while. There is just so much to think about...
  • I have a doctor's appointment Thursday that has all ready started changes in my life. Good changes, lots of change, admittedly hard changes, but damn I am ready and want them.
  • And last but not least, I just have to confess that I am totally addicted to my blog reader.


Anonymous 9:57 PM  

What is your technique for keeping to each room while purging and not being distracted to starting another one? It is so hard for me.

Those little tiny frogs being in the way of my feet scare me!

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