Saturday, September 16, 2006

One Two Three Go!

We had a typical American family day, well typical for a family who has kiddos in activities. We woke up early and made our way over to Alex's Tae Kwon Do Club. He tested today for his orange belt. The testers get to do their form twice if they mess up the first time. Alex did his form twice, some how he ended up with the wrong punch at the end. But the second time he did great! He also did great on one step sparing, YEAH! We will find out next week if he gets a belt change, keep your fingers crossed. I will test for my orange belt in November. Next week will be a week of fun classes starting with Hopkido and three step sparing. I am really looking forward to class.

Right after TKD we had to run out to a Tiger Cub Fun Day. We went on a hike, played at a mock Alamo, fished, did some face painting, and played on a huge wooden Pirate ship. They also had swimming, archery, and BB Guns, but some of the events were closed by the time we arrived. It was great being able to hike around the BSA grounds, we will be camping there for a long weekend in November, with our entire Den if not Pack. In November Alex will be able to work at his Achery and BB gun belt loops.

After the fun day, we headed back towards home, but first had to pick up our car. It was in the shop for a third day this week. The first two days were for a tune up and new tires. Luckily this damage happened before the car needed to go on a long drive. The damn radiator cracked! At least now the car is all up to repair and the only things that can crap out on it now are major repairs. Isn't that how it always is?

I am super excited to go to Church tomorrow, the new series is all about Music Icons and Faith. Tomorrow is all about Johnny Cash, and the series is being lead by my favorite pastor, Pastor Doug. Lisa will know him from the service she went with me too. He is hilarious and real and so down to earth. Love his messages. And I love the fact that the band will be dishing out some JC tunes. HAHAHA, JC=Johnny Cash AND Jesus Christ. I crack myself up! The week after is about Bono. Should be interesting and entertaining. Alex also has started up a new small group at church, and KidStuff started up again. Our Sunday are turning into busy days.

Our family has also had a new addition added to it. Casey had a fabulous idea to get my mom a puppy for her birthday. Yesterday we delievered Sammie to her a minature Red Shorthaired Dachsand. He is adorable and makes her so very happy. My Dad too has fallen for Sammie and his funny ways. I will post some pictures when I see them tomorrow. Plus, I get to Puppy sit him on Monday! Yay! Did we mention that we have a thing for dogs?


Anonymous 3:50 AM  

Pastor Doug! I was just rereading old LJ posts and I found the one about your church. =) It gave me a ncie feeling.

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