Thursday, December 21, 2006

All i want for Christmas is the Denver Airport to be Open

Alex and Alyssa with Hunter the ReinDog
Everyone, please say a prayer today, tomorrow and Saturday that the Denver Airport stays open, or at least lets flights out ASAP, because Casey has to fly through there on Saturday on his way home from Portland. Everything looks okay right now, but prayers will hopefully make it happen!
Yesterday was Alex's last day at school before the Winter Break. It was Polar Express Day so all the kiddos got to wear Pj's, Anteler hats, and eat massive amounts of food. They watched movies all day, did craft projects, had a book exchange, and took home an entire gallon sized Ziplock full of candy.
I have been purging and cleaning the house like it is Spring. I want it to be dust free and organized for Casey. our bedroom looks so CLEAN and very IKEA-ish. LOL! I am so excited for him to be coming home soon. Today Alex has to clean his playroom to my standards or else we don't get to go to a White Elephant gift exchange. And dang it I want too!!
So with four days on the countdown, I am wishing you all peace and relaxation in these days BEFORE the big day. Merry Christmas!!!


staceyfike 10:29 AM  

merry christmas to you and i'll keep my fingers crossed too!!

Anonymous 12:03 AM  

I'll pray that Denver opens! My friend, Liz, is supposed to fly out to Denver tomorrow evening. She heard it was supposed to reopen by noon tomorrow. I hope so!! For yours and hers sake! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

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